Child-specific cause-of-death for ICD 11
A data frame with 2 columns and 149 rows:
Variable | Description |
code | ICD 11 Cause of Death code |
title | Cause of death title |
#> # A tibble: 149 × 2
#> code title
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 FB82.1 Osteochondrosis or osteochondritis dissecans
#> 2 FB85.0 Juvenile Paget disease
#> 3 5C56.0Y Other specified sphingolipidosis
#> 4 5C56.00 Gangliosidosis
#> 5 2B90.Y Other specified malignant neoplasms of colon
#> 6 4A44.Y Other specified vasculitis
#> 7 2E90.6 Benign neoplasm of nasopharynx
#> 8 EJ30.0 Polymorphic light eruption
#> 9 8A44.2 Alexander disease
#> 10 9B70 Inherited retinal dystrophies
#> # ℹ 139 more rows