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Check structure and values of input data to CoDEdit tool





A data.frame with 6 columns with names "FreeId", "Sex", "Age Value", "Age Type", "Code", and "Death Date" and compatible with the input data required by the CoDEdit tool.


A data.frame containing check codes and check notes for each row and variable identified with the FreeId of df.


#> # A tibble: 3,613 × 8
#>    sex_check sex_check_note  age_check age_check_note code_check code_check_note
#>        <int> <fct>               <int> <fct>               <int> <chr>          
#>  1         0 No issues with…         0 No issues wit…          0 Cause of death…
#>  2         0 No issues with…         0 No issues wit…          0 Cause of death…
#>  3         0 No issues with…         0 No issues wit…          0 Cause of death…
#>  4         0 No issues with…         0 No issues wit…          0 Cause of death…
#>  5         0 No issues with…         0 No issues wit…          0 Cause of death…
#>  6         0 No issues with…         0 No issues wit…          0 Cause of death…
#>  7         0 No issues with…         0 No issues wit…          0 Cause of death…
#>  8         0 No issues with…         0 No issues wit…          0 Cause of death…
#>  9         0 No issues with…         0 No issues wit…          0 Cause of death…
#> 10         0 No issues with…         0 No issues wit…          0 Cause of death…
#> # ℹ 3,603 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: dod_check <int>, dod_check_note <fct>