The following tasks have been setup to help students get familiar with functional programming in R.
The students are expected to go through the tasks and appropriately write R code/script to fulfill the tasks and/or to answer the question/s being asked within the tasks. R code/script should be written inside a single R file named ba.R and saved in the project’s root directory.
This exercise is based on:
Bland, J. M. & Altman, DouglasG. Statistical Methods For Assessing Agreement Between Two Methods Of Clinical Measurement. Lancet 327, 307–310 (1986).
The ba.dat dataset contains peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) measurements (in litres per minute) taken with a Wright peak flow metre (Wright variable) and a Mini-Wright peak flow metre (Mini variable). This is the same data that is presented in the referenced Lancet article above.
Task 1: Read the dataset
This task is asking for the learner to create a function that would do the following:
Download the ba.dat file from the provided download link/URL; and,
Read that data into R.
To create this function, we can use already existing functions that does each step separately. For downloading files from the internet, there is a function called download.file(). For reading a text dataset, we can look at the read.table() family of functions.
Downloading files from the internet
The download.file() is the most straightforward function available in base R for downloading files from the internet. The basic syntax for the function is shown below:
Provide the file path to where the file should be downloaded. The instructions specifically said that this should be downloaded into the data directory of the project and for the name, we just use the same name of the data file.
The arguments url and destfile are the minimum required arguments to specify. When you run this line of code, you should expect the ba.dat file to be downloaded into the data directory. You can check this by issuing the following command on the R console:
[1] "ba.dat"
which shows that a file called ba.dat can be found inside the data directory of this project.
Reading text data
Reading text data after downloading
The read.table() function can be used to read the ba.dat file. After the data has been downloaded, it should be available in the data directory of our project. With this, we can use the read.table() function as follows:
Specify the file path to the dataset. In our case, the dataset has been downloaded into the data directory so the relative file path to the data is data/ba.dat.
Specify whether the dataset being read has variable names or column names in the first row. In our case, the ba.dat dataset has variable names included (as described in the instructions). So, we specify header = TRUE.
Specify the value separators used in the dataset being read. The ba.dat dataset uses whitespace (" ") to separate values. So we specifcy sep = " ".
We get a data.frame with 17 rows and 2 columns of data.
Reading text data without downloading
The read.table() family of functions allow for reading of text data direct from a download link/URL without having to download the data first. The file argument in the read.table() family of functions accepts URL of a text data file. The function then reads the data directly from that URL. This functionality is useful for when downloading of data is not needed or if there are rules with regard to downloading and/or keeping of the required dataset. However, it should be noted that reproducibility using a link to read data directly into R depends on whether the URL link is a permanent link that will not change over time.
To read the ba.dat dataset directly into R without downloading first, we use the following code:
Now that we know how to use the download.file() and the read.table() functions, we can now use them into creating a function that downloads the data and then reads it. A basic implementation of this function will look like this:
We set a function name of read_ba_data() and use arguments for url and destfile which are the two required arguments for download.file(). The destfile argument will then be used as the specification for the file argument for the path to the file to read in the read.table() function.
Use the url and destfile argument specification to supply corresponding input values to the download.file() function.
Use the destfile argument specification to supply input value to the read.table() function. Specifications for header and sep arguments are hardcoded as it assumes that the ba.dat file has a header and uses " " as value separator.
We can then try this function to see if it gives us the expected outputs.
The same output is produced as earlier when the dataset was read into R. To check that the download component worked, we check if the ba.dat dataset is in the data directory of the project.
[1] "ba.dat"
The ba.dat file is in the data directory. The read_ba_data() function works as expected.
Function to conditionally download dataset and then read the dataset
The read_ba_data() function is working the way we expect and need it to.
However, we can still consider adding some other features/functionalities that can make the function work more efficiently. For example, depending on our context and our requirements, we might want to just read the ba.dat dataset directly from the URL without downloading it. So, we probably would like to give the user of our function the ability to decide whether the file should be downloaded and then read or should just be read into R directly. For, this, we can refactor the earlier function as follows:
Use an argument called download which takes in logical values (TRUE or FALSE). If TRUE, then the function should download the dataset in the specified destfile. If FALSE, then the dataset is read directly from the url.
Create a conditional if() statement based on whether download argument is TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, then the function should download the dataset in the specified destfile.
If the download conditions is FALSE, then the destfile argument is specified with the url value so that the dataset is read directly from the url.
To test that this updated read_ba_data() function works as expected, we first remove the ba.dat file that we have already downloaded earlier by using the following commands in the R console:
[1] TRUE
Then, we check whether it has indeed been removed:
The ba.dat file doesn’t exist in the data directory.
We then test the updated read_ba_data() function first with download = FALSE as follows:
Set download = FALSE so that ba.dat is read directly into R without downloading. Since no download of data will be performed, there is no need to specify the destfile argument.
We then test whether or not the ba.dat file is present in the data directory. Our expectation is that the ba.dat file is not to be found there. We test as follows:
The ba.dat file is not found in the data directory. The updated read_ba_data() function works as expected.
Function to conditionally download dataset and then read the dataset - overwrite
The updated read_ba_data() function is working the way we expect and need it to.
However, we can still consider adding some conditionalities that can make the function work more efficiently. For example, once we have used the current read_ba_data() function with download = TRUE specification, the ba.dat file should already be in our data directory. Since this dataset is not expected to change anymore1, we might want to update the current read_ba_data() function such that it will not overwrite an existing download of ba.dat if download = TRUE. This is useful as we don’t have to repeat a download operation if the file is already present in our data directory. To implement this functionality, the read_ba_data() function can be updated as follows:
read_ba_data <-function(url, download =TRUE, destfile,1overwrite =FALSE) {## If download = TRUE, download datasetif (download) {## If overwrite = TRUE, download dataset2if (overwrite) {download.file(url = url, destfile = destfile) } else {## If overwrite = FALSE, check if destfile exists before downloading3if (!file.exists(destfile)) {download.file(url = url, destfile = destfile) } } } else {## If download = FALSE, set destfile as url link destfile <- url }## Read datasetread.table(file = destfile, header =TRUE, sep =" ")}
Use overwrite argument that takes on logical (TRUE or FALSE) value so that user can specify whether they want the function to overwrite an existing file specified by destfile.
If download = TRUE and overwrite = TRUE, download of the dataset is performed regardless of whether it is already present.
If download = TRUE and overwrite = FALSE (default), a check is performed whether the file path specified in destfile exists. If it doesn’t exist, then download of the dataset is performed. If the file exists, then dataset is not downloaded.
We can now test whether the function works as expected. From the earlier example, we have the previous download of the ba.dat file and then ran the previous function with download = FALSE. So, no ba.dat file is currently found in the data directory. To test whether overwrite = FALSE works, we use the updated function as follows
We get the data read into R and then we expect that the download process happened because download = TRUE even though overwrite = FALSE because the ba.dat file is not present in data directory. We check this by
[1] TRUE
The ba.dat file was found in the data directory of the project.
Now that the ba.dat file is back in the data directory, we can test the overwrite = FALSE argument again. We expect that the read_ba_data() will not re-download the ba.dat dataset. Instead, it will just read what is already available in the data directory.
We get the data read into R and during the running of the code, we notice that no console message relating to download were showing with the whole process taking relatively quicker than earlier.
Then we can test the overwrite = TRUE argument. We expect that the read_ba_data() will download the ba.dat dataset regardless of whether the ba.dat is found in the data directory.
We get the data read into R and during the running of the code, we notice that on the console we see messages relating to the download process were showing (see Console output 1) with the whole process taking relatively longer than earlier.
Task 2: Calculate the metrics needed for a Bland and Altman plot
The different metrics used to construct a Bland and Altman plot are:
Mean of the per subject measurements made by the Wright and the Mini-Wright;
Difference between the per subject measurements made by the Wright and the Mini-Wright;
Mean of the difference between the per subject measurements made by the Wright and the Mini-Wright; and,
Lower and upper limits of agreement between the per subject measurements made by the Wright and the Mini-Wright.
We can approach this task in five different ways.
Function to calculate Bland and Altman metrics - vectorised approach
The vectorised approach calculates each metric as vectors2 and then concatenates them into a list3. The following function shows this approach:
1calculate_ba_metrics <-function(ba_data) {## Get per row mean of measurements2 mean_values <- (ba_data$Wright + ba_data$Mini) /2## Get per row difference of measurements3 differences <- ba_data$Wright - ba_data$Mini## Mean of the differences of measurements4 mean_differences <-mean(differences)## Upper and lower limits of agreement5 upper_limit <- mean_differences +1.96*sd(differences) lower_limit <- mean_differences -1.96*sd(differences)## Concatenate metrics into a named list6list(mean_values = mean_values,differences = differences,mean_differences = mean_differences,upper_limit = upper_limit,lower_limit = lower_limit )}
Name the function calculate_ba_metrics() and use an argument ba_data which is the data.frame of the dataset we downloaded and read in the first task.
Calculate the per row mean of the two measurements and assign it to the mean_values object.
Calculate the per row difference between the two measurements and assign it to the differences object.
Calculate the mean of the per row differences and assign it to the mean differences object.
Calculate the upper and lower limits of agreement and assign them to the upper_limit and lower_limit objects respectively.
Concatenate all the calculated values into a named list.
We see the named list structure of the output with the mean_values and the differences being vectors whilst the rest of the metrics are single values.
Function to calculate Bland and Altman metrics - data.frame approach
The data.frame approach outputs each metric as vectors and concatenates them into the input dataset. The function using this approach can look like this:
calculate_ba_metrics <-function(ba_data) {## Get per row mean of measurements and add to ba_data1 ba_data$mean_values <- (ba_data$Wright + ba_data$Mini) /2## Get per row difference of measurements and add to ba_data2 ba_data$differences <- ba_data$Wright - ba_data$Mini## Mean of the differences of measurements3 ba_data$mean_differences <-mean(ba_data$differences)## Upper and lower limits of agreement4 ba_data$upper_limit <- ba_data$mean_differences +1.96*sd(ba_data$differences) ba_data$lower_limit <- ba_data$mean_differences -1.96*sd(ba_data$differences)## Return ba_data ba_data}
The per row mean of measurements are calculated and added as a new column in the input dataset.
The per row difference in measurements are calculated and added as a new column in the input dataset.
The mean of the difference in measurements is calculated and added as a new column in the input dataset. Because this value is a single value, it is repeated per row of the input data.
The upper and lower limits of agreement in measurements are calculated and are each added as new columns in the input dataset. Because these values correspond to single values, they are repeated per row of the input data.
We see the data.frame structure of the output with new columns/variables for each of the calculated metric and the repeated per row values for the mean_differences, upper_limit, and lower_limit.
Function to calculate Bland and Altman metrics - combined approach
The structure of the output (either list or data.frame) each has their pros and cons. A list structure is relatively more flexible and can be transformed in many ways whilst the data.frame structure is ideal for use in functions that require a data.frame input (i.e., ggplot2 for plotting). With this in mind, a combined approach that gives users an option between a vectorised or a data.frame approach can be useful and have a broader and more generalised usage.
Use an argument called type which can be specified as either list or df (short for data.frame).
The function match.arg() matches the input value for type to the choices allowed and checks whether it is specified correctly. If type not specified, match.arg() uses the first value (list) as the default.
Calculate each of the metrics like before.
Based on what type is, the metrics are concatenated into a list or into a data.frame.
Function to calculate Bland and Altman metrics - modular approach
The modular approach creates multiple functions that calculates each component metric of the Bland and Altman plot and then assembles them into one overall function. Function 1, Function 2, Function 3, Function 4 each calculate one of the metrics needed for the Bland and Altman plot.
Function 4: Calculate the upper and lower limits of agreement
Each of these functions require the same arguments: m1 which is a vector of numeric values for the first measurement and m2 which is a vector of numeric values for the second measurement. Function 1 and Function 2 are very simple functions performing basic row-wise vectorised operations. Function 3 and Function 4 use the first 2 functions to perform the calculations.
Then, using all these four functions, Function 5 calculates all the Bland and Altman metrics and provides the option for the user to output a list or a data.frame.
Function to calculate Bland and Altman metrics - universal approach
All the above approaches for creating a function to calculate Bland and Altman metrics have been designed specific for the ba.dat dataset. What this means is that the functions work appropriately but only for a dataset that has variables called “Wright” and “Mini”. Hence, these functions will be useful for this specific exercise only. Once you have a dataset with two values of measurements similar to the ba.dat dataset which, in theory, can be analysed using the Bland and Altman method, these functions cannot be used for that dataset.
It would be ideal that we try to make this function as universally applicable as possible such that it can be used with any dataset that has data to which the Bland and Altman method can be applied to. This will make the function usable beyond just this exercise.
It is relatively easy to improve our current function to make it universal. Instead of making the function require a specific data.frame input as its main argument, we can instead make the function require vectors of values for the first and second measurements instead as its arguments. This is demonstrated by the functions below.
Function 9: Calculate the upper and lower limits of agreement
Function 6, Function 7, Function 8, Function 9 are variations of the earlier per metric functions. Instead of a data.frame as the required input, we use two arguments m1 and m2 for vectors of values for the first and second measurements respectively. This is a very minor adjustment but it makes a big difference in making the functions more universal. By doing this, we let the user decide the kind of input to provide to the function based on their data.
Now, for the final overall function shown below, we set an argument for a data.frame input that contains measurements values that can be analysed using the Bland and Altman approach and then a further two arguments for the names of the variables for the first and second measurements that are being assessed.
A data.frame object containing measurement values that can be analysed using the Bland and Altman approach.
Two additional arguments for character values of the names of the variables in the data.frame input for the values for the first and second measurements respectively.
The Bland and Altman method lends itself for useful graphical representation of outputs. This is why the Bland and Altman plot is commonly used to identify this analytical approach.
The Bland and Altman plot, also known as a Tukey mean-difference plot, is a graphical method used to compare two different measurement techniques or instruments by analyzing the agreement between them. It is commonly used in clinical research and other scientific disciplines where comparing two methods is essential.
Key Features of the Bland-Altman Plot
The x-axis represents the mean of the two measurements for each observation.
The y-axis represents the difference between the two measurements for each observation.
Data Points
Each point on the plot corresponds to one observation, showing the relationship between the average measurement and the difference between the two methods.
Central Line
A horizontal line at the mean difference (bias) indicates the average level of disagreement between the two methods.
Limits of Agreement (LoA)
Two horizontal lines represent the limits within which most differences between the two methods will fall.
These limits approximate a 95% confidence interval for the differences.
If the differences cluster around zero and within the limits of agreement, the two methods are considered to agree well.
Systematic bias is indicated by a consistent deviation from zero.
A pattern in the differences (e.g., increasing or decreasing differences) might suggest proportional bias or other issues with one or both methods.
Creating a Bland and Altman plot
Basic Bland and Altman plot
The following code creates a basic Bland and Altman plot:
Use ba_metrics output from previous function calculating Bland and Altman metrics.
Create a scatter plot using the base plot() function in R with the per row mean of measurements in the x-axis and the per row differences of measurements in the y-axis.
Create horizontal lines for the mean differences (bias), upper, and lower limits of agreement of the plot.
In this output plot, we see that no title is given to the plot. The x- and y-axis labels defaults to the input values for the x and y arguments in the plot() function. The horizontal lines for the bias and limits of agreement are solid.
Bland and Altman plot with labels
We can improve the basic plot by adding relevant labels. These are:
A title for the plot;
Axis labels for x- and y-axis; and,
Additional styling and labels for the bias line and the limits of agreement lines.
The following function shows how this can be done:
plot_ba <-function(ba_metrics, 1title ="Bland and Altman plot",2xlab =NULL, ylab =NULL,3limits_lab =TRUE) {plot(x = ba_metrics$mean_values, y = ba_metrics$differences,4main = title,5xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab )6abline(h = ba_metrics$mean_differences, lty =2, lwd =0.7)abline(h = ba_metrics$upper_limit, lty =2, lwd =0.7)abline(h = ba_metrics$lower_limit, lty =2, lwd =0.7)7if (limits_lab) {## Label for mean differences line8text(x =max(ba_metrics$mean_values), y = ba_metrics$mean_differences,labels =paste0("Mean difference: ", round(ba_metrics$mean_differences, digits =1) ),pos =2, cex =0.70 )## Label for upper limit of agreementtext(x =max(ba_metrics$mean_values), y = ba_metrics$upper_limit,labels =paste0("Upper limit: ", round(ba_metrics$upper_limit, digits =1) ),pos =2, cex =0.70 )## Label for lower limit of agreementtext(x =max(ba_metrics$mean_values), y = ba_metrics$lower_limit,labels =paste0("Lower limit: ", round(ba_metrics$lower_limit, digits =1) ),pos =2, cex =0.70 ) }}
Use an argument title for the title of the plot. A default title is given which will be used if the user doesn’t supply a title value.
Use xlab and ylab arguments for the x- and y-axis labels respectively. This is set to NULL by default. If user doesn’t supply values for these arguments, the function will use the default labels used in the plot() function.
Use limits_lab argument which takes a logical (TRUE or FALSE) input. If TRUE (default), then labels for the bias, upper, and lower limits of agreement will be added to the plot. If FALSE, no labels will be added.
The value supplied to the title argument is used in the main argument of the plot() function.
The values supplied to xlab and ylab arguments are used in the xlab and ylab arguments of the plot() function.
The lines for the bias and the limits of agreement are stylised into dashed lines by setting the lty argument of the abline() function to 2 which will use a dashed line. The lines are also made a little bit thinner by specifying a value of 0.7 to the lwd argument of the abline() function. This style is used to the lines so that when the labels are added onto the lines, the label will be more visible and the lines blend more to the background.
Create a condition using the if function that will check whether the limits_lab is TRUE or FALSE which will create the labels for the lines if TRUE.
If limits_lab is TRUE, then the bias and limits of agreement lines are created using the text() function. The labels are positioned to the left (pos = 2) of the maximum value of the mean values of the measurements (x) and at the values of the bias, upper, and lower limits of agreement (y respectively). The label for the text identifies what the line represents and the value it represents. The text is given a character expansion (cex) of 0.7.
We can use this function as follows:
plot_ba( ba_metrics, title ="Wright vs Mini-Wright",xlab ="Mean PEFR (per subject)",ylab ="Difference in PEFR (per subject)")
Figure 2: Bland and Altman plot with customised labels
The output plot has a customised title, the x- and y-axis have appropriate and informative labels, the bias line and the limit of agreement lines are styled appropriately and labeled more informatively.
Bland and Altman plot with colours and additional styling
We can further improve on the labeled version of the plot added styling and colour to the points of the scatter plot.
The points of the scatter plot use default points style of a hollow point in black outline. We can add styling and colour with this version of the function:
plot_ba <-function(ba_metrics, title ="Bland and Altman plot",xlab =NULL, ylab =NULL, limits_lab =TRUE,1pch =NULL, col =NULL, bg =NULL, cex =NULL) {plot(x = ba_metrics$mean_values, y = ba_metrics$differences,main = title,xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,2pch = pch,3col =ifelse(is.null(col), "black", col),4bg = bg,5cex = cex )abline(h = ba_metrics$mean_differences, lty =2, lwd =0.7)abline(h = ba_metrics$upper_limit, lty =2, lwd =0.7)abline(h = ba_metrics$lower_limit, lty =2, lwd =0.7)if (limits_lab) {## Label for mean differences linetext(x =max(ba_metrics$mean_values), y = ba_metrics$mean_differences, labels =paste0("Mean difference: ", round(ba_metrics$mean_differences, digits =1) ),pos =2, cex =0.70 )## Label for upper limit of agreementtext(x =max(ba_metrics$mean_values), y = ba_metrics$upper_limit, labels =paste0("Upper limit: ", round(ba_metrics$upper_limit, digits =1) ),pos =2, cex =0.70 )## Label for lower limit of agreementtext(x =max(ba_metrics$mean_values), y = ba_metrics$lower_limit, labels =paste0("Lower limit: ", round(ba_metrics$lower_limit, digits =1) ),pos =2, cex =0.70 ) }}
Use pch, col, bg, and cex arguments for the function to style and colour the points of the plot.
Use pch argument to specify an integer value for the character type to use for the points of the plot. See ?pch for details. Default is NULL which will use default pch value used by R (which is 1 for a hollow circle).
Use col argument to provide a colour specification to use for colouring the points in the scatter plot. Default is NULL which sets the colour to default colour used by R (black). Note that for hollow points (pch from 0 to 14) and for points with a fill element (pch from 21 to 25), col will colour the outline of the point. For pch values from 15 to 19, col will colour the whole point. To colour the fill element of points specified by pch from 21 to 25, see bg argument.
Use bg argument to provide a colour specification to use for colouring the fill element of points with a fill element (pch from 21 to 25). Default is NULL which sets the fill element to a light gray.
Use cex argument to provide a character expansion numeric value for the points of the scatter plot. Default is NULL which will use the default size of points used by R which is a value of 1.
We can use this function as follows:
plot_ba( ba_metrics, title ="Wright vs Mini-Wright",xlab ="Mean PEFR (per subject)",ylab ="Difference in PEFR (per subject)",pch =21,col ="darkblue",bg ="lightblue",cex =1.2)
Figure 3: Bland and Altman plot with customised points styles and colours
The output plot has much bigger points than the previous plot and because we used one of the points with a fill element, the points have a dark blue outline and a light blue fill.
Some guidance on plotting functions
Data visualisation using plots in R is a very individual-preference type of approach. Hence, the general recommendation on making plotting functions is to be a little bit opinionated with the plot style (colours, line types and widths, text labels, sizes, etc.) based on your individual style. Because you are making a function intended for your use, you want that function to implement the style and look that you like. What this means, however, is that your function is most likely something that will be used only by you or others who might like your style and preference.
This dataset is a teaching dataset and is provided by Bland and Altman in their paper. It is very reasonable to expect that no changes will happen to this dataset in the future.↩︎
A vector is essentially a collection of elements of the same data type, arranged in a one-dimensional array.↩︎
A list is a data structure that can store elements of different types. Unlike vectors, which are homogenous (all elements must be of the same type), lists are heterogeneous and can hold elements such as numbers, strings, vectors, other lists, and even functions.↩︎