pactr: An Interface to the Pandemic PACT Data Repository

Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. Lifecycle: experimental R-CMD-check test-coverage.yaml Codecov test coverage CodeFactor DOI

The Pandemic PACT monitors and analyses global funding and research evidence related to diseases with pandemic potential, as well as broader research preparedness efforts, and is equipped to pivot in response to outbreaks. It collects, curates, codes, and analyses data in alignment with WHO priority diseases and other selected illnesses, including pandemic influenza, mpox, and plague. Pandemic PACT aims to guide policy and decision-making for research funders, policymakers, researchers, multilateral agencies. The Pandemic PACT data is publicly available for download from its website and from Figshare. This package provides an application programming interface (API) to the research programme’s Figshare repository to provide programmatic access to its publicly available tracker data along with it’s other data products.

For more information on the {pactr} package, you can visit the project website. To learn about the underlying code for this software development project, see the GitHub code repository.

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