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World Health Organization (WHO) Country Information




A data.frame with 5 columns and 194 rows:

country_iso3cISO-3 country code
who_short_nameCountry short name given by WHO
formal_nameCountry formal name
who_regionWHO region name to which country belongs to
un_regionUN region name to which country belongs to


Data are drawn from WHO's Data Country list found at


#> # A tibble: 194 × 5
#>    country_iso3c who_short_name      formal_name            who_region un_region
#>    <chr>         <chr>               <chr>                  <chr>      <chr>    
#>  1 AFG           Afghanistan         the Islamic Republic … Eastern M… Asia > S…
#>  2 ALB           Albania             the Republic of Alban… Europe     Europe >…
#>  3 DZA           Algeria             the People’s Democrat… Africa     Africa >…
#>  4 AND           Andorra             the Principality of A… Europe     Europe >…
#>  5 AGO           Angola              the Republic of Angola Africa     Africa >…
#>  6 ATG           Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda    Americas   Americas…
#>  7 ARG           Argentina           the Argentine Republic Americas   Americas…
#>  8 ARM           Armenia             the Republic of Armen… Europe     Asia > W…
#>  9 AUS           Australia           Australia              Western P… Oceania …
#> 10 AUT           Austria             the Republic of Austr… Europe     Europe >…
#> # ℹ 184 more rows