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Calculate OxCGRT sub-index score for a single indicator

Calculate OxCGRT sub-index scores for all indicators


calculate_subindex(indicator_code, value, flag_value)

  indicator_code = "policy_type_code",
  value = "policyvalue_actual",
  flag_value = "flagged",
  add = TRUE



A character value specifying the name of the variable in df containing the policy type codes. By default, this is set to policy_type_code which is the variable name used by the OxCGRT API.


A character value specifying the name of the column in df containing the values in ordinal scale assigned to each policy type. By default, this is set to policyvalue_actual which is the variable name used by the OxCGRT API.


A character value specifying the name of the column in df containing the flag values for each policy type. By default, this is set to flagged which is the variable name used by the OxCGRT API.


A data.frame containing per indicator values required for calculating sub-index scores. This data.frame will be structured similarly as the policy actions data.frame produced by a call to get_data_actions().


Logical. Should sub-indices for each indicator be added to df? Default is TRUE.


A numeric value between 0 to 100.

If add is TRUE (default), returns a tibble composed of the input data.frame x with an added column named score for the calculated sub-indices. If add is FALSE, returns a tibble of 4 columns with the first column for the policy codes named policy_type_codes, the second column for the policy values named policy_value, the third column for the flag values named flag_value and the fourth column named score for the calculated sub-indices.


Ernest Guevarra based on calculation methods by Hale, Thomas, Noam Angrist, Emily Cameron-Blake, Laura Hallas, Beatriz Kira, Saptarshi Majumdar, Anna Petherick, Toby Phillips, Helen Tatlow, Samuel Webster (2020). Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, Blavatnik School of Government.


calculate_subindex(indicator_code = indicatorData$indicator[1],
                   value = indicatorData$value[1],
                   flag_value = indicatorData$flag_value[1])
#> [1] 66.66667

x <- get_data(json = get_json_actions(ccode = "AFG",
                                      from = NULL,
                                      to = "2020-09-01"))
calculate_subindices(df = x$policyActions)
#> # A tibble: 23 × 10
#>    policy_type_code policy_type_display   policyvalue policyvalue_actual flagged
#>    <chr>            <chr>                       <int>              <int> <lgl>  
#>  1 C1               School closing                  2                  2 TRUE   
#>  2 C2               Workplace closing               2                  2 TRUE   
#>  3 C3               Cancel public events            0                  0 NA     
#>  4 C4               Restrictions on gath…           0                  0 NA     
#>  5 C5               Close public transpo…           0                  0 NA     
#>  6 C6               Stay at home require…           0                  0 NA     
#>  7 C7               Restrictions on inte…           0                  0 NA     
#>  8 C8               International travel…           1                  1 NA     
#>  9 E1               Income support                  0                  0 NA     
#> 10 E2               Debt/contract relief            0                  0 NA     
#> # ℹ 13 more rows
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: is_general <lgl>, notes <chr>,
#> #   flag_value_display_field <chr>, policy_value_display_field <chr>,
#> #   score <dbl>