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Autocode against the foundation component or linearizations of the ICD-11


  subtree = NULL,
  release = NULL,
  threshold = NULL,
  api_version = c("v2", "v1"),
  language = "en",
  tabular = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  base_url = "",
  client = icd_oauth_client(),
  scope = "icdapi_access"

  linearization = c("mms", "icf"),
  subtree = NULL,
  release = NULL,
  threshold = NULL,
  api_version = c("v2", "v1"),
  language = "en",
  tabular = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  base_url = "",
  client = icd_oauth_client(),
  scope = "icdapi_access"



String. Text to be searched. Having the character % at the end will be regarded as a wild card for that word.


A string or vector of strings of URIs. If provided, the search will be performed on the entities provided and their descendants.


A string specifying the release version of the Foundation to search from. If not specified, defaults to the latest release version. See the available versions with icd_versions.


A numeric value between 0 and 1 that indicates the similarity between the input text and the matched term. threshold is the minimum score to be included in the output. Default is NULL to use default value specified by API.


Version of the API. Possible values are v1 or v2. For example, if you provide value v2, the API will respond in the format of the version 2 of the API. Default is v2.


ICD-API is multi-lingual. By changing this header, you may make the API respond in different languages. Languages will be available as the translations of ICD-11 completes. The values are language codes such as en, es, zh, etc. Depending on the release_id specified, the available languages will vary. Default is English ("en").


Logical. Should output be structured into a tibble? Default to TRUE.


Logical. Should non-warning and non-error messages be printed? Default is TRUE.


The base URL of the API. Default uses the WHO API server at If you are using a locally deployed server or hosting your own ICD API server, you should specify the URL of your instance here.


The OAuth2 client produced through a call to icd_oauth_client().


Scopes to be requested from the resource owner. Default is "icdapi_access" as specified in the ICD API documentation.


A character value for which linearization to search. Currently, the possible values for this are "mms" and "icf".


A tibble of autocode results showing the search text, the matching text, the code, URIs for the foundation and linearization entities, the matching level, the matching score, and the matching type.


#> Release `2024-01` matches a known release for ICD-11.
#> Language `en` is available for the release specified.
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>   searchText matchLevel matchScore matchType
#>   <chr>           <int>      <int>     <int>
#> 1 cholera             3          0         0
icd_autocode(q = "cholera")
#> Release `2024-01` matches a known release for ICD-11.
#> Language `en` is available for the release specified.
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>   searchText matchLevel matchScore matchType
#>   <chr>           <int>      <int>     <int>
#> 1 cholera             3          0         0
icd_autocode(q = "impairment", linearization = "icf")
#> Release `2024-01` matches a known release for ICD-11.
#> Language `en` is available for the release specified.
#> # A tibble: 1 × 8
#>   searchText matchingText      theCode foundationURI linearizationURI matchLevel
#>   <chr>      <chr>             <chr>   <chr>         <chr>                 <int>
#> 1 impairment impaired adaptab… b2109   http://id.wh… http://id.who.i…          1
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: matchScore <dbl>, matchType <int>